Synth Library Prague is a space filled with instruments, books, and other resources run by female artists and curators, who are committed to creating strong base for everyone to learn, share and collaborate as equals – with respect, care and thoughtfulness. It is a place to start building self confidence as much as it is a space to learn new technology. Synth Library is the first sister library of S1 Synth Library in Portland.
One of the main goals of Synth Library Prague is supporting diversity and deep listening. They are joining Feminist (Art) Institution initiative and their code of conduct.
The Synth Library is inviting anyone to approach the instruments in their own way, to explore their practice with a facilitator available for questions, to learn more about the practical side of building instruments, attending DIY soldering workshops, gain resources about existing synth communities and knowledge. Synth Library also hosts workshops on a variety of topics — from the broad theories of sound, sound synthesis and composition to detailed explorations of a specific concept or piece of gear.
The Prague Synth Library (Pod Terebkou 1139/15, Praha) is a member of _ZVUK_ collective a new creative space and open media lab for music education founded by Kreaton, in partnership with film and animation school Aeroskola, Bastl Instruments, musician and teacher Martin Ozvold, joined by musician and director Johana Švarcová and musician and sound designer Stanislav Abrahám.