
Sentinel species are organisms – animals [and plants], used to detect risks to humans by providing advance warning of a danger – environmental hazards. Some animals can act as sentinels because they may be more susceptible or have greater exposure to a particular hazard than humans in the same environment.

Insects [especially bees, bumble bees, butterflies, moths] are therefore very good bioindicators whose response within an environment, especially change in conditions and presence of pollutants, provides a more general information on current and future environmental quality. Why? Because they are extensively studied across time, have relatively short life cycles therefore respond rapidly to changes in ecosystem and climate variations.

The major role of insects is pollination and a very important part in the food chain. But number of insects is in a severe decline. We need to protect them as they protect us.

Sentinel is a simple theremin based electronic circuits with two potenciometers regulating volume and frequency. The most interaction with the instruments provides the Sentinel’s wing-shaped antenna, which is played with changing the distance of user’s hand to it or gently sliding with fingers over the wings.

Sentinels are butterflies Mountain Apollo, Jersey Tiger and False Ringlet; moth Giant Peacock, Bumble bee and Fire fly. They were designed differently as most of the instruments and synths –  with Illustrator, manually transferring component’s sizes to the board; etching and drilling at home. Each one is unique. 

Let the Sentinels be a noise messenger and warning for you to take care of the environment you share with other organisms. 

Solder me gently
A step to step manual for the ones who bought my Sentinel in the Noise.Kitchen